Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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"Ah! good-day, my dear Malarius!" said the visitor cordially, advancing with outstretched hands toward the school-master.
"Sir! you are very welcome," answered the latter, a little surprised, and somewhat timidly, as is customary with all men who have lived secluded lives; and are interrupted in the midst of their duties. "But excuse me if I ask whom I have the honor of--"
"What! Have I changed so much since we ran together over the snow, and smoked our long pipes at Christiania; have you forgotten our Krauss boarding-house, and must I name your comrade and friend?"
"Schwaryencrona!" cried Mr. Malarius. "Is it possible.--Is it really you.--Is it the doctor,cheap moncler clerance?"
"Oh! I beg of you, omit all ceremony. I am your old friend Roff, and you are my brave Olaf, the best, the dearest friend of my youth. Yes, I know you well. We have both changed a little in thirty years; but our hearts are still young, and we have always kept a little corner in them for those whom we learned to love, when we were students, and eat our dry bread side by side."
The doctor laughed, and squeezed the hands of Mr. Malarius, whose eyes were moist.
"My dear friend, my good excellent doctor, you must not stay here," said he; "I will give all these youngsters a holiday, for which they will not be sorry, I assure you, and then you must go home with me."
"Not at all!" declared the doctor, turning toward the pupils who were watching this scene with lively interest. "I must neither interfere with your work,retro jordans for sale, nor the studies of these youths. If you wish to give me great pleasure, you will permit me to sit here near you, while you resume your teaching."
"I would willingly do so," answered Mr. Malarius, "but to tell you the truth, I have no longer any heart for geometry; besides, having mentioned a holiday, I do not like to disappoint the children. There is one way of arranging the matter however. If Doctor Schwaryencrona would deign to do my pupils the honor of questioning them about their studies, and then I will dismiss them for the rest of the day."
"An excellent idea. I shall be only too happy to do so. I will become their examiner."
Then taking the master's seat, he addressed the school:
"Tell me," asked the doctor, "who is the best pupil?"
"Erik Hersebom!" answered fifty youthful voices unhesitatingly.
"Ah! Erik Hersebom. Well, Erik, will you come here?"
A young boy, about twelve years of age, who was seated on the front row of benches, approached his chair. He was a grave, serious-looking child, whose pensive cast of countenance,chanel 2.55 bags, and large deep set eyes, would have attracted attention anywhere, and he was the more remarkable, because of the blonde heads by which he was surrounded. While all his companions of both sexes had hair the color of flax, rosy complexions, and blue eyes, his hair was of deep chestnut color, like his eyes, and his skin was brown. He had not the prominent cheek bones, the short nose, and the stout frame of these Scandinavian children. In a word, by his physical characteristics so plainly marked, it was evident that he did not belong to the race by whom he was surrounded.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Discount Louis Vuitton And so safety and shelter were reached at last

And so safety and shelter were reached at last. Father Tom gave his little drenched, shivering, white-faced boy into Ford's friendly care.
"Put him to bed somewhere, to get dry and warm."
"But daddy,--my own dear, lost daddy?"
"Leave him to me, my boy," said Uncle Tom, softly,air jordans for sale. "I'll take care of daddy. Leave him to me."
And then Ford, who, somewhere back of Cape Cod, had a small boy of his own, proceeded to do his rough best for the little stranger. Freddy was dried, rubbed, and put into a flannel shirt some ten sizes too big for him, and given something hot and spicy to drink, and finally tumbled into a bunk with coarse but spotless sheets, and very rough but comfortable blankets,chanel 2.55 bags, where in less than four minutes he was sound asleep, worn out, as even the pluckiest eleven-year-old boy would be, with the strain on his small body and brave young soul.
How long he slept, Freddy did not know; but it was long enough for the wind to lull, the skies to brighten, the black clouds to break and scatter before the golden glory of the summer sun. The wide lookout window had been thrown open, and showed a glorious rainbow spanning the western sky. And there, on a pallet thrown hastily on the floor, lay daddy, very still and pale, with Uncle Tom kneeling beside him, holding his hand. An icy fear now clutched Freddy's heart at the sight. Reckless of the ten-sizes-too-big shirt trailing around him, he was out of his bunk with a jump to his father's side.
"Daddy, daddy!--O Uncle Tom, is daddy dead?"
And daddy's eyes opened at the words,--eyes that were no longer burning, but soft and dim with tears.
"Not dead, little Boy Blue! Daddy is alive again,--alive as he has not been for long, long years.--Tell him all, Tom. I am too weak. Tell him all. He'll be glad to hear it, I know."
But Father Tom only put his arm around the boy and drew him close to his side.
"Why should I?" he said, smiling into the upturned face. "We know quite enough for a little boy; don't we, Freddy,--that, like another wanderer from his Father's house, daddy was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found. And now get into some short clothes, if you can find them, and we'll go over to Killykinick in my little motor boat; for poor Brother Bart is in sad terror about you, I am sure."
Ah, in sad terror, indeed! It was a pale, shaken old man that stood on the beach at Killykinick, looking over the sea, and listening to the Captain, who was striving to find hope where he felt there was none.
"Looks as if the old cabin on Last Island might be holding together still. Dan and Neb are knocking a raft together, and if they can make it float they'll go over there and get the little lad off. And if they don't Padre" (the rough old voice trembled),--"if they don't, wal,retro jordans for sale, you are sky pilot enough to know that the little chap has reached a better shore than this."
"Aye, aye, I know, Jeroboam!" was the hoarse, shaken answer. "God knows what is best for His little lamb. His holy will be done. But, O my laddie, my little laddie, why did I let you go from me into the darkness and storm, my little boy, my little boy?"

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"Now it is my turn," interpolated Rand, pulling in another fish.
"6," he went on, "A Scout is a friend to animals.
"7. A Scout obeys orders by his parents, patrol leader, or Scoutmaster, without question.
"8. A Scout smiles and whistles under all circumstances.
"9. A Scout is thrifty."
"Crickets!" cried Pepper when Rand finished, "there's a whole lot to learn, ain't there? We shall have to get busy. Is there any more to it?"
"Know the composition of the National flag and how to fly it," read Rand.
"I guess I can get ten on that, all right," remarked Pepper.
"And tie four of the following knots: Reef,chanel 2.55 bags, sheet-bend, clove-hitch, bow line, middleman's,air jordans for sale, fisherman's, sheepshank," finished Rand.
"We can pass on that all right," commented Pepper. "Say, what time is it? I begin to feel as if I would like a bite--one of the other kind. Don't you think we have fish enough?"
"Do you think so?" asked Don gravely. "Better look them over and be sure. The rest of us may want some, you know."
"Oh,retro jordans, I guess there is enough to go around," replied Pepper, with a laugh. "I am not so bad as that."
"Well, if you are sure there are enough," said Rand, "we might go on shore and do some cooking. I say, pull up the anchor, Jack, and you needn't go after it, you know."
"Oh, just as you say," replied Jack, hauling up the kedge.
Chapter 5 Out Of The River
"Here comes the Dart," announced Jack, as a hoarse whistle sounded down the river. The anchor had, by this time, been lifted into the boat and they had started to row toward the shore. "She has a whistle like an ocean liner."
"You want to look out for the swell," warned Pepper, "she kicks up a bigger swell than any other boat on the river."
"As big as the Hudson or Fulton?" asked Donald. "Why, they are half a dozen times as big as she is."
"She isn't one-eighth their size," replied Jack, "but she has got more power, for her size, than any of them. She has three smokestacks like the Fulton. Just see her come!"
The Dart, a long, low, white yacht, was coming up the river at full speed, the water curling away from her bow in a miniature cascade, the powerful engines driving her through the water with the speed of an express train.
"Gee!" cried Pepper, "look at her come. Say, she'd make Fulton with the Clermont think he was traveling backward if he was here. She is sure some boat."
"Who owns her?" asked Donald.
"She belongs to Mr. Whilden," replied Jack. "He is president of the Dart Motor-cycle Company, you know."
"Gee!" cried Pepper, "I wish he was my uncle, or something."
"What for, Pepper?" queried Rand. "Want him to invite you to go yachting?"
"That wouldn't be bad," affirmed Pepper, "and maybe if he liked my looks he might take a fancy to me and give me a cycle. Say, fellows, wouldn't it be great if we all had motor-cycles!"
"In my opinion," interjected Donald, "'tis just a waste of time wishing for what ye'll no get."
"Oh, there is no harm in wishing," returned Pepper. "You might just as well wish for a big thing as a little one."
"Just look at the wave following her," interrupted Jack. "It must be more than five feet higher than the level of the river. We will have to keep head on if we don't want to be swamped."

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“Here’s a note from old Wilson. He’s safe back at his grind, and says he had a bully time. ‘The memory of Mrs. Bartley will make my whole winter fragrant.’ Just like him. He will go on getting measureless satisfaction out of you by his study fire. What a man he is for looking on at life!” Bartley sighed, pushed the letters back impatiently, and went over to the window. “This is a nasty sort of day to sail. I’ve a notion to call it off. Next week would be time enough.”
“That would only mean starting twice. It wouldn’t really help you out at all,” Mrs. Alexander spoke soothingly. “And you’d come back late for all your engagements.”
Bartley began jingling some loose coins in his pocket. “I wish things would let me rest. I’m tired of work, tired of people, tired of trailing about.” He looked out at the storm-beaten river.
Winifred came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “That’s what you always say, poor Bartley! At bottom you really like all these things. Can’t you remember that?”
He put his arm about her. “All the same, life runs smoothly enough with some people, and with me it’s always a messy sort of patchwork. It’s like the song; peace is where I am not. How can you face it all with so much fortitude?”
She looked at him with that clear gaze which Wilson had so much admired, which he had felt implied such high confidence and fearless pride. “Oh, I faced that long ago, when you were on your first bridge, up at old Allway. I knew then that your paths were not to be paths of peace, but I decided that I wanted to follow them.”
Bartley and his wife stood silent for a long time; the fire crackled in the grate, the rain beat insistently upon the windows, and the sleepy Angora looked up at them curiously.
Presently Thomas made a discreet sound at the door. “Shall Edward bring down your trunks, sir?”
“Yes; they are ready. Tell him not to forget the big portfolio on the study table.”
Thomas withdrew, closing the door softly. Bartley turned away from his wife, still holding her hand. “It never gets any easier, Winifred.”
They both started at the sound of the carriage on the pavement outside. Alexander sat down and leaned his head on his hand. His wife bent over him. “Courage,” she said gayly. Bartley rose and rang the bell. Thomas brought him his hat and stick and ulster. At the sight of these, the supercilious Angora moved restlessly, quitted her red cushion by the fire, and came up, waving her tail in vexation at these ominous indications of change. Alexander stooped to stroke her, and then plunged into his coat and drew on his gloves. His wife held his stick, smiling. Bartley smiled too, and his eyes cleared. “I’ll work like the devil, Winifred, and be home again before you realize I’ve gone.” He kissed her quickly several times, hurried out of the front door into the rain, and waved to her from the carriage window as the driver was starting his melancholy, dripping black horses. Alexander sat with his hands clenched on his knees. As the carriage turned up the hill, he lifted one hand and brought it down violently. “This time” — he spoke aloud and through his set teeth — “this time I’m going to end it!”

Nike Shox Torch 2 The heroine of the play was a maid-servant employed by a very wealthy tea planter

The heroine of the play was a maid-servant employed by a very wealthy tea planter, who was the father of the lover who sang through his nose. The lover, like all lovers urged the girl to be his in songs that were issued through his nose for fifteen minutes at a time. He, the heroine, would endeavor to look shy all through this unsufferably long song of nasal sound, and then she would take up the same refrain, and to the same tune sing back at him for the same length, and after his own style, while he would hang his head and listen. Their gestures were very few, and they usually stood in one spot on the stage. Sometimes they would embrace, but only to fall apart and sing at each other again.
The play goes on. A bold, bad robber, whose chalk-whitened face has a most Jewish cast, sees the maid-servant and falls in love with her. She repels his advances and goes into her master’s house. Then the robber puts a cross on the house and vows that he will return with his men to kill the inhabitants, for the heroine, in her simplicity, confesses to the truth of his supposition that she loves another, and that other is her master’s son, so the villain swears that he will return, kill the people of the house, and not only carry off the wealth but the maidservant as well.
After the robber departs, the heroine comes out, and spies the cross upon her house. With a crafty look upon her face, she picks up the chalk which the robber had dropped, and marks all the other houses in the street in just the same way, so that when the robber returns he is foiled in his bold, bad game, for he cannot tell which house holds his charmer, and her wealthy lover and master. He is a patient robber, and lies in wait until the lovers come forth to coo on the street. While they are busy, making love through their noses, the man plays the organ with energy, the turbaned musician beats the tom-tom as if his life depended upon it, and the bold, bad robber clutches at his stomach, twists his face into the most agonized expressions, and otherwise shows his agony to the audience. When they go into the house he is about to follow, when the master appears, and, as he is going in, the robber approaches and, saying that he is a wealthy tea-merchant, begs to be permitted to rest at his house that night. The master most cordially consents, just as the heroine appears, and she, having heard the conversation tells her master not to allow the man to stay. The master becomes very angry at her boldness and promises her a liberal punishment, to take effect later in the day.
The merchant begs to be permitted to have his cases of tea placed within the garden-walls of his host, that the tea may be safe through the night. Of course the host consents, and the next scene shows the chests of tea in the garden, and the bold robber puts out the light at the door and goes into the house to bide his time. Even that heroine dreams, and, like other heroines, selects the cool, sweet night and the garden to dream in. She is surprised to find the garden in darkness, and lays her finger to the side of her nose when she sees the lamp is not burning. As she skips about, smelling the artificial flowers, the lid of a tea-chest is raised slightly, and a man sings something through his nose. She starts back in surprise, but instead of screaming, she answers the inquiry in nasal tones, and she learns that the chests are not filled with tea, but with men who belong to the robber, for whom they mistook her. When the man closes the lid again to wait the bidding to come forth, she deftly locks all the cases, and then calls upon a man servant who helps her, the heroine, to carry these cases containing men into a house in which they are securely locked.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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A little lower down the Sound (on the actual site of East Eighty-first Street) stood my grandfather Jones’s pretty country house with classic pilasters and balustraded roof. A print in my possession shows a low-studded log-cabin adjoining it under the elms, described as the aboriginal Jones habitation; but it was more probably the slaves’ quarter. In this pleasant house lived a young man of twenty, handsome, simple and kind, who was madly in love with Lucretia, the eldest of the “poor Rhinelander” girls. George Frederic’s parents thought him too young to marry; perhaps they had other ambitions for him; they bade him break off his attentions to Miss Rhinelander of Hell Gate. But George Frederic was the owner of a rowing-boat. His stern papa, perhaps on account of the proximity of the beloved, refused to give him a sailing-craft, though every youth of the day had his “cat-boat,” and the smiling expanse of the Sound was flecked with the coming and going of white wings. But George was not to be thwarted. He contrived to turn an oar into a mast; he stole down before dawn, his bed-quilt under his arm, rigged it to the oar in guise of a sail, and flying over the waters of the Sound hurried to his lady’s feet across the lawn depicted in the tutor’s painting. His devotion at last overcame the paternal opposition, and George and “Lou” were married when they were respectively twenty-one and nineteen. My grandfather was rich, and must have made his sons a generous allowance; for the young couple, after an adventurous honeymoon in Cuba (of which my father kept a conscientious record, full of drives in volantes and visits to fashionable plantations) set up a house of their own in Gramercy Park, then just within the built-on limits of New York, and Mrs. George Frederic took her place among the most elegant young married women of her day. At last the home-made tarlatans and the inherited satin shoes were avenged, and there began a long career of hospitality at home and travels abroad. My father, as a boy, had been to Europe with his father on one of the last of the great sailing passenger-ships; and he often told me of the delights of that crossing, on a yacht-like vessel with few passengers and spacious airy cabins, as compared with subsequent voyages on the cramped foul-smelling steamers that superseded the sailing ships. A year or so after the birth of my eldest brother my parents went abroad on a long tour. The new railways were beginning to transform continental travel, and after driving by diligence from Calais to Amiens my family journeyed thence by rail to Paris. Later they took train from Paris to Brussels, a day or two after the inauguration of this line; and my father notes in his diary: “We were told to be at the station at one o’clock, AND BY FOUR WE WERE ACTUALLY OFF.” By various means of conveyance the young couple with their infant son pursued their way through France, Belgium, Germany and Italy. They met other young New Yorkers of fashion, also on their travels, and would have had a merry time of it had not little Freddy’s youthful ailments so frequently altered their plans — sometimes to a degree so disturbing that the patient young father (of twenty-three) confides to his diary how “awful a thing it is to travel in Europe with an infant of twenty months.”

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We three, however (almost complete strangers to each other), had assumed attitudes of serious amiability round our table. A waiter approached for orders and it was then, in relation to my order for coffee, that the absolutely first thing I learned of Captain Blunt was the fact that he was a sufferer from insomnia. In his immovable way Mills began charging his pipe. I felt extremely embarrassed all at once, but became positively annoyed when I saw our Prax enter the cafe in a sort of mediaeval costume very much like what Faust wears in the third act. I have no doubt it was meant for a purely operatic Faust. A light mantle floated from his shoulders. He strode theatrically up to our table and addressing me as “Young Ulysses” proposed I should go outside on the fields of asphalt and help him gather a few marguerites to decorate a truly infernal supper which was being organized across the road at the Maison Doree — upstairs. With expostulatory shakes of the head and indignant glances I called his attention to the fact that I was not alone. He stepped back a pace as if astonished by the discovery, took off his plumed velvet toque with a low obeisance so that the feathers swept the floor, and swaggered off the stage with his left hand resting on the hilt of the property dagger at his belt.
Meantime the well-connected but rustic Mills had been busy lighting his briar and the distinguished Captain sat smiling to himself. I was horribly vexed and apologized for that intrusion, saying that the fellow was a future great sculptor and perfectly harmless; but he had been swallowing lots of night air which had got into his head apparently.
Mills peered at me with his friendly but awfully searching blue eyes through the cloud of smoke he had wreathed about his big head. The slim, dark Captain’s smile took on an amiable expression. Might he know why I was addressed as “Young Ulysses” by my friend? and immediately he added the remark with urbane playfulness that Ulysses was an astute person. Mills did not give me time for a reply. He struck in: “That old Greek was famed as a wanderer — the first historical seaman.” He waved his pipe vaguely at me.
“Ah! Vraiment!” The polite Captain seemed incredulous and as if weary. “Are you a seaman? In what sense, pray?” We were talking French and he used the term homme de mer.
Again Mills interfered quietly. “In the same sense in which you are a military man.” (Homme de guerre.)
It was then that I heard Captain Blunt produce one of his striking declarations. He had two of them, and this was the first.
“I live by my sword.”
It was said in an extraordinary dandified manner which in conjunction with the matter made me forget my tongue in my head. I could only stare at him. He added more naturally: “2nd Reg. Castille, Cavalry.” Then with marked stress in Spanish, “En las filas legitimas.”
Mills was heard, unmoved, like Jove in his cloud: “He’s on leave here.”
“Of course I don’t shout that fact on the housetops,” the Captain addressed me pointedly, “any more than our friend his shipwreck adventure. We must not strain the toleration of the French authorities too much! It wouldn’t be correct — and not very safe either.”

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“Would you guess what was the next thing I did? Directly I got over the frontier I wrote from Bayonne asking the old man to send me out my sister here. I said it was for the service of the King. You see, I had thought suddenly of that house of mine in which you once spent the night talking with Mr. Mills and Don Juan Blunt. I thought it would do extremely well for Carlist officers coming this way on leave or on a mission. In hotels they might have been molested, but I knew that I could get protection for my house. Just a word from the ministry in Paris to the Prefect. But I wanted a woman to manage it for me. And where was I to find a trustworthy woman? How was I to know one when I saw her? I don’t know how to talk to women. Of course my Rose would have done for me that or anything else; but what could I have done myself without her? She has looked after me from the first. It was Henry Allegre who got her for me eight years ago. I don’t know whether he meant it for a kindness but she’s the only human being on whom I can lean. She knows . . . What doesn’t she know about me! She has never failed to do the right thing for me unasked. I couldn’t part with her. And I couldn’t think of anybody else but my sister.
“After all it was somebody belonging to me. But it seemed the wildest idea. Yet she came at once. Of course I took care to send her some money. She likes money. As to my uncle there is nothing that he wouldn’t have given up for the service of the King. Rose went to meet her at the railway station. She told me afterwards that there had been no need for me to be anxious about her recognizing Mademoiselle Therese. There was nobody else in the train that could be mistaken for her. I should think not! She had made for herself a dress of some brown stuff like a nun’s habit and had a crooked stick and carried all her belongings tied up in a handkerchief. She looked like a pilgrim to a saint’s shrine. Rose took her to the house. She asked when she saw it: ‘And does this big place really belong to our Rita?’ My maid of course said that it was mine. ‘And how long did our Rita live here?’ — ‘Madame has never seen it unless perhaps the outside, as far as I know. I believe Mr. Allegre lived here for some time when he was a young man.’ — ‘The sinner that’s dead?’ — ‘Just so,’ says Rose. You know nothing ever startles Rose. ‘Well, his sins are gone with him,’ said my sister, and began to make herself at home.
“Rose was going to stop with her for a week but on the third day she was back with me with the remark that Mlle. Therese knew her way about very well already and preferred to be left to herself. Some little time afterwards I went to see that sister of mine. The first thing she said to me, ‘I wouldn’t have recognized you, Rita,’ and I said, ‘What a funny dress you have, Therese, more fit for the portress of a convent than for this house.’ — ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘and unless you give this house to me, Rita, I will go back to our country. I will have nothing to do with your life, Rita. Your life is no secret for me.’
“I was going from room to room and Therese was following me. ‘I don’t know that my life is a secret to anybody,’ I said to her, ‘but how do you know anything about it?’ And then she told me that it was through a cousin of ours, that horrid wretch of a boy, you know. He had finished his schooling and was a clerk in a Spanish commercial house of some kind, in Paris, and apparently had made it his business to write home whatever he could hear about me or ferret out from those relations of mine with whom I lived as a girl. I got suddenly very furious. I raged up and down the room (we were alone upstairs), and Therese scuttled away from me as far as the door. I heard her say to herself, ‘It’s the evil spirit in her that makes her like this.’ She was absolutely convinced of that. She made the sign of the cross in the air to protect herself. I was quite astounded. And then I really couldn’t help myself. I burst into a laugh. I laughed and laughed; I really couldn’t stop till Therese ran away. I went downstairs still laughing and found her in the hall with her face to the wall and her fingers in her ears kneeling in a corner. I had to pull her out by the shoulders from there. I don’t think she was frightened; she was only shocked. But I don’t suppose her heart is desperately bad, because when I dropped into a chair feeling very tired she came and knelt in front of me and put her arms round my waist and entreated me to cast off from me my evil ways with the help of saints and priests. Quite a little programme for a reformed sinner. I got away at last. I left her sunk on her heels before the empty chair looking after me. ‘I pray for you every night and morning, Rita,’ she said. — ‘Oh, yes. I know you are a good sister,’ I said to her. I was letting myself out when she called after me, ‘And what about this house, Rita?’ I said to her, ‘Oh, you may keep it till the day I reform and enter a convent.’ The last I saw of her she was still on her knees looking after me with her mouth open. I have seen her since several times, but our intercourse is, at any rate on her side, as of a frozen nun with some great lady. But I believe she really knows how to make men comfortable. Upon my word I think she likes to look after men. They don’t seem to be such great sinners as women are. I think you could do worse than take up your quarters at number 10. She will no doubt develop a saintly sort of affection for you, too.”

Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Sherman, with the sailors Gunnarsson and Larsen, took off at 7:30, and reported a quiet flight from several points on the wing. They arrived at our base at midnight, and all hands at once discussed the next move. It was risky business sailing over the antarctic in a single aeroplane without any line of bases, but no one drew back from what seemed like the plainest necessity. We turned in at two o’clock for a brief rest after some preliminary loading of the plane, but were up again in four hours to finish the loading and packing.
At 7:15 A.M., January 25th, we started flying northwestward under McTighe’s pilotage with ten men, seven dogs, a sledge, a fuel and food supply, and other items including the plane’s wireless outfit. The atmosphere was clear, fairly quiet, and relatively mild in temperature, and we anticipated very little trouble in reaching the latitude and longitude designated by Lake as the site of his camp. Our apprehensions were over what we might find, or fail to find, at the end of our journey, for silence continued to answer all calls dispatched to the camp.
Every incident of that four-and-a-half-hour flight is burned into my recollection because of its crucial position in my life. It marked my loss, at the age of fifty-four, of all that peace and balance which the normal mind possesses through its accustomed conception of external nature and nature’s laws. Thenceforward the ten of us — but the student Danforth and myself above all others — were to face a hideously amplified world of lurking horrors which nothing can erase from our emotions, and which we would refrain from sharing with mankind in general if we could. The newspapers have printed the bulletins we sent from the moving plane, telling of our nonstop course, our two battles with treacherous upper-air gales, our glimpse of the broken surface where Lake had sunk his mid-journey shaft three days before, and our sight of a group of those strange fluffy snow cylinders noted by Amundsen and Byrd as rolling in the wind across the endless leagues of frozen plateau. There came a point, though, when our sensations could not be conveyed in any words the press would understand, and a latter point when we had to adopt an actual rule of strict censorship.
The sailor Larsen was first to spy the jagged line of witchlike cones and pinnacles ahead, and his shouts sent everyone to the windows of the great cabined plane. Despite our speed, they were very slow in gaining prominence; hence we knew that they must be infinitely far off, and visible only because of their abnormal height. Little by little, however, they rose grimly into the western sky; allowing us to distinguish various bare, bleak, blackish summits, and to catch the curious sense of fantasy which they inspired as seen in the reddish antarctic light against the provocative background of iridescent ice-dust clouds. In the whole spectacle there was a persistent, pervasive hint of stupendous secrecy and potential revelation. It was as if these stark, nightmare spires marked the pylons of a frightful gateway into forbidden spheres of dream, and complex gulfs of remote time, space, and ultra-dimensionality. I could not help feeling that they were evil things — mountains of madness whose farther slopes looked out over some accursed ultimate abyss. That seething, half-luminous cloud background held ineffable suggestions of a vague, ethereal beyondness far more than terrestrially spatial, and gave appalling reminders of the utter remoteness, separateness, desolation, and aeon-long death of this untrodden and unfathomed austral world.

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The narrative of our man goes on for some six months more, from this, the last night of the Carnival season up to and beyond the season of roses. The tone of it is much less of exultation than might have been expected. Love as is well known having nothing to do with reason, being insensible to forebodings and even blind to evidence, the surrender of those two beings to a precarious bliss has nothing very astonishing in itself; and its portrayal, as he attempts it, lacks dramatic interest. The sentimental interest could only have a fascination for readers themselves actually in love. The response of a reader depends on the mood of the moment, so much so that a book may seem extremely interesting when read late at night, but might appear merely a lot of vapid verbiage in the morning. My conviction is that the mood in which the continuation of his story would appear sympathetic is very rare. This consideration has induced me to suppress it — all but the actual facts which round up the previous events and satisfy such curiosity as might have been aroused by the foregoing narrative.
It is to be remarked that this period is characterized more by a deep and joyous tenderness than by sheer passion. All fierceness of spirit seems to have burnt itself out in their preliminary hesitations and struggles against each other and themselves. Whether love in its entirety has, speaking generally, the same elementary meaning for women as for men, is very doubtful. Civilization has been at work there. But the fact is that those two display, in every phase of discovery and response, an exact accord. Both show themselves amazingly ingenuous in the practice of sentiment. I believe that those who know women won’t be surprised to hear me say that she was as new to love as he was. During their retreat in the region of the Maritime Alps, in a small house built of dry stones and embowered with roses, they appear all through to be less like released lovers than as companions who had found out each other’s fitness in a specially intense way. Upon the whole, I think that there must be some truth in his insistence of there having always been something childlike in their relation. In the unreserved and instant sharing of all thoughts, all impressions, all sensations, we see the naiveness of a children’s foolhardy adventure. This unreserved expressed for him the whole truth of the situation. With her it may have been different. It might have been assumed; yet nobody is altogether a comedian; and even comedians themselves have got to believe in the part they play. Of the two she appears much the more assured and confident. But if in this she was a comedienne then it was but a great achievement of her ineradicable honesty. Having once renounced her honourable scruples she took good care that he should taste no flavour of misgivings in the cup. Being older it was she who imparted its character to the situation. As to the man if he had any superiority of his own it was simply the superiority of him who loves with the greater self-surrender.

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“You will come over to-morrow, now don’t forget,” the young woman on the boat called out.
“I won’t forget. Are you certain that you have everything with you?” the one on the wharf called back.
“Look after Fido. Give him that compound in the morning if there is no appearance of improvement,” the first one said.
“You will meet me to-morrow?” said number two on shore.
“Oh yes; don’t forget to come,” was the reply, and as the boat moved out they both talked at once until we were quite a distance off, then simultaneously the one turned to her chair and the other turned around and walked rapidly away from the wharf.
There has been so much written and told about the English Channel, that one is inclined to think of it as a stream of horrors. It is also affirmed that even hardy sailors bring up the past when crossing over it, so I naturally felt that my time would come.
All the passengers must have been familiar with the history of the channel, for I saw everyone trying all the known preventives of seasickness. The women assumed reclining positions and the men sought the bar.
I remained on deck and watched the sea-gulls, or what I thought were these useful birds-useful for millinery purposes-and froze my nose. It was bitterly cold, but I found the cold bracing until we anchored at Boulogne, France. Then I had a chill.
At the end of this desolate pier, where boats anchor and where trains start, is a small, dingy restaurant. While a little English sailor, who always dropped his h’s and never forgot his “sir,” took charge of our bags and went to secure accommodations for us in the outgoing train, we followed the other passengers into the restaurant to get something warm to eat.
I was in France now, and I began to wonder now what would have been my fate if I had been alone as I had expected. I knew my companion spoke French, the language that all the people about us were speaking, so I felt perfectly easy on that score as long as he was with me.
We took our places at the table and he began to order in French. The waiter looked blankly at him until, at last, more in a spirit of fun than anything else, I suggested that he give the order in English. The waiter glanced at me with a smile and answered in English.
We traveled from Boulogne to Amiens in a compartment with an English couple and a Frenchman. There was one foot-warmer and the day was cold. We all tried to put our feet on the one foot-warmer and the result was embarrassing. The Frenchman sat facing me and as I was conscious of having tramped on someone’s toes, and as he looked at me angrily all the time above the edge of his newspaper, I had a guilty feeling of knowing whose toes had been tramped on.
During this trip I tried to solve the reason for the popularity of these ancient, incommodious railway carriages. I very shortly decided that while they may be suitable for countries where little traveling is done, they would be thoroughly useless in thinly populated countries where people think less of traveling 3,000 miles than they do about their dinner. I also decided that the reason why we think nothing of starting out on long trips, is because our comfort is so well looked after, that living on a first-class railway train is as comfortable as living at a first-class hotel. The English railway carriages are wretchedly heated. One’s feet will be burning on the foot-warmer while one’s back will be freezing in the cold air above. If one should be taken suddenly ill in an English railway compartment, it would be a very serious matter.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festivel seasons.

A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Types of food poisoning

1) Bacterial food poisoning:

Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteriae or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food.

2) Non bacterial food poisoning:

Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insectisides,heavy metals and ect.

Since bacterial food poisoning is common it is discussed here.

Bacterial food poisoning:

All bacteria are not harmful.There are some pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and cause clinical manifestations.These organisms enter the human body through food articles or drinks.

How food poisoning occures:

1) Presence of bacteria in the water.

2) The raw materials for the food may contain toxins.

3) Premises where the food is prepared may contain micro organisms or toxins.

4) Food handlers may have some infectious diseases.

5) Some animals like dogs,rats may contaminate the food.

6) If prepared food is kept in the room temperature for a long time and heated again can make a chance for food poisoning.

7) Purposely some body mixing toxins in the food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings.

1) Salmonella food poisoning:

There are three different varieties of salmonella bacteria.(salmonella typhimurium,salmonella cholera suis,salmonella enteritidis) These bacteria are present in milk, milk products and eggs. Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Fever is also common.

2) Botulism:

This is the dangerous type of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum. The spores of these organisms are seen in the soil and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish ect.Compared to other food poisonings here vomiting and diarrhoea are rare Mainly the nervous system is affected.The symptoms starts with double vision,numbness with weakness.Later there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure ending in death.

3) Staphylococcal food poisoning:

It is caused by staphylo coccus aureus. These organisms usually cause skin troubles like boils and eruptions.It causes mastitis in cow.Through the milk and milk products it enders and causes gastroenteritis.There will be vomiting,abdominal cramps with diarrhoea.

4) Closteridium food poisoning:

This is caused by closteridium perfringens.They are present in stool,soil and water. They enter the body through,meat,meat dishes and egg ect.If food articles are cooked and kept in room temperature for a long time and heated again before eating can result this food poisoning.Symptoms include vomiting ,diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.

5) Bacillus cereus:

The spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis. Diarrhoea and vomiting is common in this infection.

How to investigate food poisoning?

1) Examine each and every person affected.

2) Water sample should be tested.

3) Kitchen, store room and food samples should be examined.

4) The cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.

5) Samples of vomitus and stool of all victims should be tested to identify the bacteria.

How to prevent food poisoning:-

1) Only purified water should be used.

2) Hygiene should be maintained by all persons keeping contact with food.

3) Workers should use masks, cap and gloves during cooking and serving.

4) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.

5) Kitchen and premises should be neat and clean.

5) Vessels should be washed with soap and hot water.

6) Should not keep the prepared food for a long time in room temperature.

7) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.

8) Animals like dog, cat, rat ect should not come in contact with food materials.

9) Vegetables should be washed before cooking.

10) Meat should be fresh and should be purchased from recognised slaughter house.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

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What's Your eBay Reputation Really Worth?

Your eBay reputation is everything you are on eBay - without it, you're nothing. Your reputation is worth as much as every sale you will ever make.

If you've ever bought anything on eBay (and the chances are you have), then think about your own behaviour. Buying from a seller with a low feedback rating makes you feel a little nervous and insecure, while buying from a PowerSeller with their reputation in the thousands doesn't require any thought or fear - it feels just like buying from a shop.

A Bad Reputation Will Lose You Sales.

In fact, a bad reputation will lose you almost all your sales. If someone leaves you negative feedback, you will feel the pain straight away, as that rating will go right at the top of your user page for everyone to see. Who's going to want to do business with you when they've just read that you "took a month to deliver the item", or that you had "bad communication and sent a damaged item"? The answer is no-one.

Your next few items will need to be very cheap things, just to push that negative down the page. You might have to spend days or even weeks selling cheap stuff to get enough positive feedback to make anyone deal with you again.

It's even worse if you consistently let buyers leave negative feedback - once you get below 90% positive ratings, you might as well be invisible.

You Can't Just Open a New Account.

Besides eBay's rules about only having one account, there are far more downsides than that to getting a new account. You literally have to start all over again from scratch.

You won't be able to use all the different eBay features. Your existing customers won't be able to find you any more. Your auctions will finish at a lower price because of your low feedback rating. Opening a new account is like moving to a new town to get away from a few people who are spreading rumours about you: it's throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

A Good Reputation Will Get You Sales.

When a PowerSeller tells me something, I tend to believe them. They can be selling a pretty unlikely item, but if they guarantee it is what they say it is, then I trust them - they're not going to risk their reputation, after all. This is the power of a reputation: people know you want to keep it, and they know you'll go to almost any lengths to do so.

This is true even to the point that I would sooner buy something for $20 from a seller I know I can trust than for $15 from someone with average feedback. It's worth the extra money to feel like the seller knows what they're doing, has all their systems in place and will get me the item quickly and efficiently.

You really will find selling on eBay so much easier, and there's only way to get a good reputation: make sure you please your customers every time. But some customers can be, well, just a little difficult to please. In the next email, we ask: is the eBay customer always right?

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Does Your Online Business Offer a Service? Make Money with Affiliate Tracking Software

Affiliate programs are a great way for business owners to increase their sales. Unfortunately, when it comes to affiliate programs, many business owners are misinformed. That misinformation often involves who can benefit from the use of an affiliate program. Many business owners mistakenly believe that you have to be the owner of an online retail store to have an affiliate program. This just simply is not true. In fact, if you own an online business that offers a collection of services, you can also benefit from the development of an affiliate program.

Online, there are a number of different businesses that offer services to the general public. These services will vary depending on the type of business it is. Popular business services include, but should not be limited to, debt consolidation, web hosting, web design, and freelance writing. These business owners, like yourself, may not be selling actual merchandise, but their business still relies on sales. The more their services are purchased, the more money the business will be able to make. If you are noticing a decrease in your service sales, you may want to think about starting your own affiliate program.

Affiliate programs are used to bring business owners, just like yourself, and website owners together. This joint collaboration will not only work out well for you and your business, but for the website owner that you are partnering with. This is because most website owners, who participate in an affiliate program, will be compensated for their work. This compensation often involves a percentage of the sale that they helped your business generate. However, to track this important information, you will need to find an affiliate tracking software program.

Affiliate tracking software is how affiliate programs are able to operate. In fact, without these programs, there may have never been the development of affiliate programs. This is because without tracking software it would be difficult, or even impossible, for most businesses to determine whether or not one of their affiliate websites helped to generate a sale. Therefore, if you are looking to develop an affiliate program for your business, you will need to decide on an affiliate tracking software program. Although this may seem like an easy decision, it isn�t always.

Online, you will find a large number of different affiliate tracking software programs. Many of these programs are designed and sold by different individuals and companies. Each of these programs is likely to include different services and features. These services and features are important because they will not only alert you to a quality software program, but one that you will actually be able to use and benefit from. To find one of these programs, you are advised to perform a standard internet search.

When performing a standard internet search, it is advised that you search with the words affiliate tracking software. Those search words should produce a fairly large number of results. In most cases, those results will direct you to affiliate tracking software that is available for sale. In addition to software that is available for sale, you may also find a number of other websites. These websites are likely to be resource guides for business owners, just like you. These websites often outline the importance of affiliate programs and how to make them a success. Since affiliate tracking software is an important component of that success, it is likely that you will find software reviews or software recommendations online. Even if you find affiliate software that has an outstanding review, you are still advised to examine the software for yourself.

As you can easily see, with the right software, anything is possible, especially when it comes to affiliate programs. To increase your business�s sales, even if you do not sell any merchandise, you are advised to consider starting your own affiliate program. It may end up being one of the best decisions ever made for you and your online business.


Word Count 656

Friday, October 19, 2012

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Queen of Hoxton, 1-5 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, London, EC2A 3JX

Closest Station to Queen of Hoxton: Old Street

Queen of Hoxton Budget: Happily Affordable

Queen of Hoxton Designometer: DJ Bar / Nightclub

Queen of Hoxton Queue Buster: 11pm

Queen of Hoxton Music: House

Queen of Hoxton Star Rating: 4/5

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Business Owners: The Importance of Owning an Air Purifier

Are you a business owner? If so, what type of business do you own? Whether you run a small office, a retail store, or any other type of business, does your office have an air purifier? If not, you are advised to seriously think about purchasing one. After a close examination, you will likely find that you, your business, and your employees can benefit from the use of an air purifier.

Air purifiers, as you likely already know, are electronic machines that work to make the air clean, or pure. Air purifiers are designed to trap and sometimes even completely eliminate harmful air particles or bacteria. While air purifiers are most commonly used in the home, did you know that they can also be used in your place of business?

Air purifiers come in a wide variety of different makes and models. These makes and models include whole house or building air purifiers and individual room air purifiers. Essentially, this means that no matter how large or small your commercial space is, you should be able to find an air purifier that will work for you and your business.

Although it is important to understand how an air purifier works, it is also important to examine the benefits of using one. As a business owner, you will find a number of different benefits. Perhaps, the greatest benefit being clean air, as mentioned above. It is amazing what clean air can do, not only for you, but anyone else who may enter your business.

If you run a business that has an office setting, you will likely find that cleaner air helps to eliminate or prevent illness from occurring. This is due to the fact that many harmful air particles and bacteria becomes eliminated, or at least reduced, when an air purifier is used. This may not only help to improve the performance of your employees, but it may also help prevent the spread of office illnesses.

It has been said that air purifiers are ideal for those who have young children. This is because, at the early stages of life, children are more susceptible to illness. If you operate a doctor�s office or a daycare center, you may want to look into air purifiers and what they can do for you. Perhaps, a doctor�s office needs an air purifier more than anyone else, but as previously mentioned, all businesses could benefit from the use of an air purifier.

Air purifiers are also ideal for those who have pets. While you would associate pets with homeowners, there is a chance that you may own or operate a business with a focus on pets. In the United States, there a large number of pet stores, which allow their customers to bring their pets inside, vet offices, as well as pet grooming shops. If you are the owner of one of these businesses, you are advised to seriously consider purchasing an air purifier for your office. In many cases, you will find it makes it easier for you and your clients to breathe.

The above mentioned examples are just a few of the many ways that business owners can benefit from the use of an air purifier. Although the cost of an air purifier, especially one that cleans the air in your whole building, tends to be expensive, you want to remember the benefits. In many cases, they tend to make the cost worthwhile.

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Remedy to Snoring Within the Four Corners of Your Home

Snoring is known to be a condition where you breathe through your open mouth and your nose when you sleep and afterwards producing a disturbing noise from the vibration of your soft palate.

Since snoring occurs whenever you are asleep and sleep is commonly done within the comfort of your home, then expect that there are ways to fight against snoring even if you are home.

Snoring is not a deadly disease wherein you have to take expensive medications, regular check-up with a physician or perhaps countless hospital visits. Within the four corners of your home, you can do something with a family member who snores.

Trouble-free remedy for snoring is to establish a good sleeping habit. Studies show that sleeping on your back increases the chances for you to heavily snore. Hence it is suggested that you sleep on your side. By doing so, you allow your soft palate and your tongue to descend thus causing constriction to your air passage. If you are uncomfortable sleeping on your side, you can also try sleeping on your stomach. Let someone observe your sleeping patterns and let him monitor which side you sleep well and snore less.

Another sleeping habit you must bear in mind is the height of your pillow. Sleeping without a pillow or on a flat bed worsens snoring, for this reason; experts recommend that people who snore should sleep on a thick pillow. Additionally, it is also good if the head of your bed is lifted up. Make sure though that you lift the head of your bed within four to six inches only. Improper use of pillow and head bed elevation aggravates snoring.

If the above-mentioned measures where undertaken and still you have not successfully resolved your snoring dilemma whenever you are home, then try other options which you can practice at home such as the following:

 Breathing steam. Mucus clogs the air passage but once you breathe in steam your mucus will loosen up and unblock your air passageway.

 Let honey be available in your home. A number of studies have shown that honey relieves snoring by making the air passageway clear. What you can do is mix honey on your favorite tea. You can also dip your favorite fruit on the honey.

 Nasal strips – with the use of this product you are relieving nasal congestion. Take note that you can easily breathe if your nostrils are kept wide open.

 Throat sprays – this kind of snoring remedy will aid you since the spray material covers the soft tissues of your throat. By doing so, the air you breathe can easily move around your air passageway and reduce the bothersome noise snoring produces.

 Anti-snoring pills – due to its plant enzyme and herb ingredients anti-snoring pills are believed to hinder the throat and nose tissue from engorgement which makes way for an unblocked and efficient air passageway.

Nasal strips, throat sprays and anti-snoring pills can be most helpful to alleviate your snoring problems. However, it is best to consult your physician before you even purchase it and store it inside your medicine box.

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Are You on The No-Fly List? What You Can Do

Each day, millions of Americas board an airplane. Although many of those individuals do not have a problem, others do. One of those problems may involve the no-fly list. While the no-fly list was designed to make air travel safer, there are some instances when the wrong individuals have been targeted. These mistakes often include mistaken identities or misspelled names. Despite what you are told or may think, there are ways that you can get yourself off of the no-fly list.

Although you can get your name off the no-fly list, it is important to remember that it will not happen overnight. In fact, if you are notified that your name is on the no-fly list at the airport, it is almost a guarantee that you will not be able to board your plane. Since airport security cannot rely on your word, they will likely not allow you to proceed any further. In fact, you may even be detained a short period of time by airport security. Once you are released, you can begin taking the steps needed to have your name removed from the no-fly list.

The first step in getting your name off the no-fly list is to the contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Once you are notified that your name is on the no-fly list, you should be provided with the contact information for the TSA. If you are not provided with this information, you can easily obtain the telephone number needed to directly contact the administration by visiting their online website. That online website can be found at www.tsa.gov. Once you have made contact with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), you will be provided with instructions on what to do next. Those instructions will likely include filling out a form that should be mailed to you.

In addition to filling out the proper paperwork, you will also be asked to submit identification. In fact, you will need to submit more than one piece of identification Most travelers need three different items. Accepted items include a driver�s license, a government identification card, a military card, a social security card, a voter registration card, a passport, a visa, or a birth certificate. Although only three pieces of identification are required, you may want to have additional identification documents on hand, just in case. After you have collected these items, they will need to be notarized by the proper officials.

After you have submitted all of the required documents, the process should begin, which will result in your name being removed from the no-fly list. This process could take as little as a few weeks, but it could take months. You are advised against making any travel plans until you receive confirmation that your name has officially been removed from the no-fly list. Once your name has been removed, all airlines will be notified of this removal. This should mean that you are now able to purchase airline tickets and make travel plans.

In addition to actually having your name on no-fly list, namely due to a mistake, there is a chance that someone else with the same name as you could be on the no-fly list. Despite the fact that you are not the one on the no-fly list, you may experience some problems. For that reason, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has developed a traveler verification program. In the event that you are commonly mistaken for someone else, it may be a good idea to register for that program. Information on this helpful program can be found by visiting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)�s online website. As previously mentioned, that website can be found at www.tsa.gov.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

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My mother and I went home to Pencraig. In those days the rules of family mourning were severe, and I went out very little; but in the autumn my mother hired a house in Washington Square, and subsequently bought one in West Twenty-Fifth Street, which she altered and added to. My old friends welcomed me on our return, and there followed two gay but uneventful New York winters. I had never ceased to be a great reader, but had almost forgotten my literary dreams. I could not believe that a girl like myself could ever write anything worth reading, and my friends would certainly have agreed with me. No one in our set had any intellectual interests, though most of the men were better read than the average young American of today. Many of the group, however, were quicker and more amusing than I was, and though I was popular, and enjoyed myself in their company, I never dreamed that I was in any way their superior. Indeed, being much less pretty than many of the girls, and less quick at the up-take than the young men, I might have suffered from an inferiority complex had such ailments been known. But my powers of enjoyment have always been many-sided, and the mere fact of being alive and young and active was so exhilarating that I could seldom spare the time to listen to my inner voices. Yet when they made themselves heard again they had become irresistible.
Chapter 5
At the end of my second winter in New York I was married; and thenceforth my thirst for travel was to be gratified. My husband, whose family came from Virginia, but whose father had married in Boston and settled there, was an intimate friend of my brother’s, and had long been an annual visitor at Pencraig. He was thirteen years older than myself, but the difference in age was lessened by his natural youthfulness, his good humour and gaiety, and the fact that he shared my love of animals and out-door life, and was soon to catch my travel-fever. It was not that, either then or later, I was restless, or eager for change for its own sake. My first care was to create a home of my own; and a few months after our marriage my husband and I moved into a little cottage in the grounds of Pencraig, and rearranged it in accordance with our tastes. I was never very happy at Newport. The climate did not agree with me, and I did not care for watering-place mundanities, and always longed for the real country; but the place and the life suited my husband, and in any case we could not have afforded to buy a property of our own. So we settled down at Pencraig Cottage, and for a few years always lived there from June till February; and I was too busy with my little house and garden ever to find the time long. But every year we went abroad in February for four months of travel; and it was then that I really felt alive. Vernon Lee, John Addington Symonds and “John Inglesant” had added to my library of Italian travel, and “Euphorion” and “The Italian Renaissance” had given me joys I should be ungrateful not to record. Another book, of a totally different kind, figured among my more recent Awakeners; and that was James Fergusson’s “History of Architecture,” at that time one of the most stimulating books that could fall into a young student’s hands. A generation nourished on learned monographs, monumental histories, and works of reference covering every period of art from Babylonian prehistory to the present day, would find it hard to believe how few books of the sort, especially on architecture and sculpture, were available in my youth. Fergusson’s “History of Architecture” was an amazing innovation in its day. It shed on my misty haunting sense of the beauty of old buildings the light of historical and technical precision, and cleared and extended my horizon as Hamilton’s “History of Philosophy,” and my little old handbook of logic, had done in another way.

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For many trying to learn the way to play the ocarina, finding good music for doing it can be difficult. In addition, one might also find that reading the music might be a rather aggravating task. There is certainly an alternative choice, nonetheless. Many seasoned players would suggest obtaining ocarina tabs. They certainly are a special way of writing ocarina music so that it is not hard to learn to read, and fully grasp. The subsequent article concentrates on finding, easy methods to understand, and the way to generate this kind of sheet music. After reading this, the artist shouldn't have any issues finding and actively playing the tunes they like.

Ocarina tabs are in a handful of places throughout the internet. The most well recognized site to obtain them would be the ocarina tabs directory. This index is being consistently updated, and enhanced. You could find just about any music there, and even publish your own. Some other good sites to look for would be the oc network and Smule. Both of these can be a little more difficult to get around, but maintain comparable information. Altogether, these tablatures aren't very hard to find. You simply must know where you should look.

Going through them can also be fairly easy, if a person tries. They contain several tiny images of the musical instrument, all lined up linearly. It is important to recognise when reading ocarina tabs is the fact there are many types of these kinds of instruments. You should know how many holes you can find in the one you have, and precisely what type it is. The most typical are the 12-holes, 6-holes, and the 4-holes. Basically pick up your instrument, and count the holes. You have to then look for ocarina tabs that correspond to the type you are playing. Don't be concerned, considering that the ocarina tabs are nothing more than images of the musical instrument, it's difficult to choose the wrong tab. Furthermore, truly reading the tablature is definitely an easy task. You will observe your oc with the holes shaded dark or white-colored. The white-colored holes show an open hole, whilst the black ones suggest the opening covered by your finger. Simply test it out, you will pick it up speedily.

Producing ocarina tabs is a little more challenging. The leading thing you should be aware of is basically that you ought to be using some type of software to compose it. There are many free online oc tablature composers. Use your preferred internet search engine, and look around. Most of them supply a piano keyboard or even note letter option to construct with. Unfortunately, basically producing this sheet music may be the toughest activity. With any luck ,, you'll become a lot more experienced with your musical instrument once you are trying. At that point, writing them isn't problematic in any respect.

The one thing I am hoping someone takes away from here is the value of ocarina tabs. They make the experienced individuals life less difficult, and may help even the rookie to immediate begin actively playing some great tunes. Ocarina tabs are probably the basic foundation for a good comprehension of the songs itself. As being a veteran player personally, I find this kind of oc music to be an indispensible device to learning to play any melody speedily and accurately. The most essential thing is always to enjoy it, and ocarina tabs definitely permit me to do this.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ul\f0\fs24 Why Digital Photography?\ulnone\par
Digital photography is quickly becoming the preferred way to take pictures. If you are in the market for a new camera, consider the following advantages of digital over traditional film photography.\par
In the long run, digital is less expensive. All photos are recorder are on memory device within the camera and then downloaded straight to your computer. You skip the need to keep buying rolls of film and paying for developing. You can send unlimited copies of the same picture to friends and relatives without spending a penny extra.\par
You see your pictures quicker. Most digital cameras allow you to view your photos immediately. There is no waiting and worrying about whether or not that \ldblquote perfect shot\rdblquote turned out. You can take a picture of that new baby and immediately download it to your computer to share your good good news with friends and relatives. There\rquote s no need for anxious grandparents to wait days or even weeks for a picture.\par
Most digital cameras have built in editing features. Cropping and re-centering the picture to make it look its best can be done easily. You no longer have to worry about a stray hand distracting from the main subject of your photo. Sharpening can be done immediately to bring out the details. Within minutes you can have a print-perfect photo.\par
You avoid the frustration of running out of film and having to find a store that is open in the middle of an important event or on vacation. Depending on the size of your memory card and the setting of file size and quality, which you often control, you can store a couple hundred pictures on one tiny card. That is the equivalent of nine or ten rolls of film. \par
These are just a few of the advantages of digital photography. It is definitely worth considering as you search for your next new camera.\par

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“Thou shalt have them, so they be not exorbitant,” said the Constable. And the honest Fleming, among whose good qualities scrupulous delicacy was not the foremost, hastened to detail, with great minuteness, the particulars of his request or petition, long pursued in vain, but to which this interview was the means of insuring success.
The Constable, eager to execute the resolution which he had formed, hastened to the lodging of Damian de Lacy, and to the no small astonishment of his nephew, intimated to him his change of destination; alleging his own hurried departure, Damian’s late and present illness, together with the necessary protection to be afforded to the Lady Eveline, as reasons why his nephew must needs remain behind him — to represent him during his absence — to protect the family rights, and assert the family honour of the house of De Lacy — above all, to act as the guardian of the young and beautiful bride, whom his uncle and patron had been in some measure compelled to abandon for a time.
Damian yet occupied his bed while the Constable communicated this change of purpose. Perhaps he might think the circumstance fortunate, that in this position he could conceal from his uncle’s observation the various emotions which he could not help feeling; while the Constable, with the eagerness of one who is desirous of hastily finishing what he has to say on an unpleasant subject, hurried over an account of the arrangements which he had made, in order that his nephew might have the means of discharging, with sufficient effect, the important trust committed to him.
The youth listened as to a voice in a dream, which he had not the power of interrupting, though there was something within him which whispered there would be both prudence and integrity in remonstrating against his uncle’s alteration of plan. Something he accordingly attempted to say, when the Constable at length paused; but it was too feebly spoken to shake a resolution fully though hastily adopted and explicitly announced, by one not in the use to speak before his purpose was fixed, or to alter it when it was declared.
The remonstrance of Damian, besides, if it could be termed such, was spoken in terms too contradictory to be intelligible. In one moment he professed his regret for the laurels which he had hoped to gather in Palestine, and implored his uncle not to alter his purpose, but permit him to attend his banner thither; and in the next sentence, he professed his readiness to defend the safety of Lady Eveline with the last drop of his blood. De Lacy saw nothing inconsistent in these feelings, though they were for the moment contradictory to each other. It was natural, he thought, that a young knight should be desirous to win honour — natural also that he should willingly assume a charge so honourable and important as that with which he proposed to invest him; and therefore he thought that it was no wonder that, assuming his new office willingly, the young man should yet feel regret at losing the prospect of honourable adventure, which he must abandon. He therefore only smiled in reply to the broken expostulations of his nephew; and, having confirmed his former arrangement, left the young man to reflect at leisure on his change of destination, while he himself, in a second visit to the Benedictine Abbey, communicated the purpose which he had adopted, to the Abbess, and to his bride-elect.

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Over the years, there have been many guitarists that stood out from the crowd - their skill, speed, ad showmanship distinguished them as experts. Here are just a few of them.

Jim Adkins, lead singer and lead guitarist for Jimmy Eat World, has been playing guitar since he was a youngster. Jim uses a Gibson Les Paul electric guitar, but recently has been reported to use a Fender Telecaster.

George Harrison, born in England, was the lead guitarist for the famous, or perhaps infamous, band The Beatles! George also did some songwriting, and proved himself a quite capable songwriter. George also went on to become a film producer and even acted a few roles. But he is best known as the lead guitarist for the beloved Beatles!

Keith Richards, is best known as a founding member of The Rolling Stones,. (Though a small but fanatical group sees him primarily as the inspiration for Johnny Depp's brilliant character, Captain Jack Sparrow.) That aside, Mr. Richards is one of the best guitarists to ever live. His nicknames include "The Human Riff" and "Keef RiffHard".

Elvis Presley, though he isn't one of the most skilled guitarists that ever lived, certainly deserves the title of "The guitarist that brought the most change". With his guitar and his unique voice, Elvis started a rebellion - one that dwarfed all of the revolutions the world had seen up to that time, for this one covered the entire world, and is still going strong. While it directly killed no one, it was very powerful - it was that evil beat they called Rock Music!

Steven Curtis Chapman, while not exactly as influential as Elvis, certainly deserves the title of guitar virtuoso. Anyone who has seen Steven give a concert will know what I say when I say that his guitar is just an extension of his body. It seems that he can make that guitar "talk" just how he wants - with no effort!


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Mr. Russell Sturgis died when Howard was still a youth, and after his father’s death, and the marriages of his brothers and his sister, he found himself alone at home with his mother. Mrs. Sturgis, whom I never knew, is said to have been a very beautiful woman. She was as luxurious in her tastes as her husband, but, I imagine, without his gift of easy hospitality. She continued to keep up handsome establishments at Givens and in London; but she and her son, who was her devoted slave, were frequently absent from England, and when at home kept more and more to themselves; and her death left him, a middle-aged man, as lost and helpless as a child.
When I first knew him this sad phase was past; the London house had been sold, Givens had gone to Howard’s eldest half-brother, and Howard was happily settled in a roomy friendly house on the edge of Windsor Park, where he had gathered about him a company of devoted friends, some of whom were soon to become mine. He detested pomp and circumstance as much as his parents had valued it, and his life was already organized on the simple easy lines from which it never afterward departed. Some of his mother’s old servants remained with him, and when he went to Windsor he took with him Hall, the majestic butler. Hall had been with the family for many years, and was devoted to Howard; but after a few months at Queen’s Acre he announced his intention of leaving. Howard, much distressed, said he supposed Hall did not care to remain in so small an establishment; but Hall replied sadly: “Oh, no, sir, it’s not that; it’s only that I can’t bear never to ‘ear you ring a bell, and ‘ave you always putting your ‘ead out of the door and ‘ollering ‘all [Hall] down the passage.”
Howard felt the justice of the rebuke, but also the impossibility of living up to the old butler’s standards. Always impatient of conventional observances, he could never ring a bell when “‘ollering” brought the necessary response; so Hall departed, and was replaced by a small thin worried man, more in scale with the reduced household whose burdens (and they were not light) he was to bear till death relieved him, soon after the loss of his beloved master. This excellent man, whose name was Robinson, but who had been baptized by Henry James “the little saint and angel,” was dear to all visitors to Queen’s Acre, as were the admirable cook, Mrs. Lees (shall I ever again eat the like of her braised tongue?), and the sturdy old Scottish housemaid, Christina.
There was also, I believe, an old family coachman in the stable behind the shrubbery; but he and his “old family” horses, and the still older and more decayed family brougham, had reached a decrepitude so advanced that they hardly ever emerged from the stable-yard, and guests at Queen’s Acre depended chiefly on station flies, or, in motoring days, on their own cars. Howard, though his means permitted every comfort, would never introduce electric light into the house, much less the telephone and central heating; and his reluctance to repair, to repaint or in any way renovate his dear old house, must have been part of the deep-seated “complex” which made him unwilling to take any decision on whatever subject; for he was the most generous of men, and as careless of money as he was indifferent to all material comforts except good food.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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The airbrush spray on tanning system on the other hand is likened to a car spray in a sense that it makes use of a small compressor, a small pot, s spray gun and a hose. The compressor is used to generate air pressure that is needed by the spray to spurt out the tanning solution. The spray spurt out very fine mist, which are then applied to the body to achieve tanned look.

Tanning salons may offer both or any one of the above mentioned spray tan system. It is up to you to choose the one that would work best for you.

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Easing the Financial Burden of Christmas Shopping

Although we all would prefer to not have to worry about finances when it comes to Christmas shopping the unfortunate truth is that the majority of people do not have unlimited funds to spend on Christmas presents for their friends, relatives and co-workers. As a result most of us have to set budgets for Christmas shopping and have to repay any debts which are incurred while shopping for Christmas presents. However, there are ways to ease the financial burden of Christmas shopping. Some of the most common ways to easy the financial burden include spreading out the Christmas shopping throughout the year, opening a Christmas savings account and sticking to a strict budget when it comes to purchasing Christmas presents.

If you typically wait until the last minute to do your Christmas shopping you probably understand the stress of last minute Christmas shopping all too well. Not only is it stressful to have to find appropriate gifts and purchase them, wrap them and deliver them to the recipient in a short time period but it also places a tremendous strain on the wallet especially for those who purchase a large number of gifts or for those who purchase extravagant gift for the recipients on their Christmas shopping list. The problem with this type of Christmas shopping strategy, in addition to the stress of finding great gifts, is the buyer is faced with paying for all of these gifts at one time. This can be very difficult especially for those who are already on a tight budget and may not have a great deal of money left over in their monthly budget. Without proper planning these individuals may be faced with the dilemma of either shortening their list of gift recipients or purchasing inexpensive gifts for each member on their list. However, if these same people plan to shop throughout the year they may find they are able to purchase gifts for one or two individuals on their list each month with the money that is left over in their monthly budget. This strategy of spreading out the Christmas shopping throughout the year makes the financial burden of Christmas shopping significantly less difficult.

Opening a Christmas savings account can also be very useful for the purpose of easing the financial burden of Christmas shopping. This is helpful because most Christmas savings accounts accrue interest and do not allow you to withdraw money from the account before a certain time. This allows you to gain a small amount of interest on your savings and ensures you won�t be tempted to use the money you are saving for Christmas shopping for other expenses throughout the year. You could always take an envelop and add a percentage of each one of your paychecks during the year but if you save this way you will not be earning any interest on the money you are putting aside. Additionally, you may be tempted to use some of the money for small purchase or emergencies which arise during the year. A Christmas savings account is so convenient, you can even have money directly deposited into it from each paycheck or you could simply transfer money into your Christmas savings account from another savings account or your checking account each month.

Finally, the financial burden of Christmas shopping can be eased by setting a strict budget and sticking to this budget. This is important because it can help to keep you from spending more on shopping for Christmas gifts than you had intended. If you budget carefully and plan on only spending as much money as you already have saved or as much as you can afford to spend than you do not have to worry about going into debt to provide Christmas gifts for your loved ones. While it is important to set a budget, it is also important to track your purchases to make sure you are sticking to your budget. If you go over your spending limit on a few people on your list, you will have to consider either eliminating a few people or reducing the amount of money you can spend on a few people. This will help you to remain under your budget.


Word count 708


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License to Fish

Fishing is just one of the many forms of relaxation people do these days with either friends or family. It is a time for bonding and a great escape from the pressures of daily life.

To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other.

In some states, 2 licenses are needed. One is called the Conservation license which is a prerequisite before one can obtain a fishing license.

Getting a license to fish is quite different from the time a person needed to get a drivers license. The person does not have to take an exam or get a student抯 permit before being issued one.

The Conservation license can be obtained from the Fish, Wildlife & Parks or FWP. This is done by giving one抯 social security number and other information that is requested. A valid driver抯 license or any valid ID with photo must also be presented for security purposes for the license to be processed.

The fishing license allows a person to fish or possess any aquatic creature as long as it is authorized by the state抯 fishing regulations. This license is neither non-transferable nor non-refundable and is only valid for one year or season.

Since fishing licenses as mentioned earlier vary from state to state, a fishing license can either be a resident license or a non-resident license. For one to qualify for a resident license, that person must have resided in that certain location for a period of time such as 6 months, should be a local tax payer , must be a registered voter, purchased a vehicle and have a valid driver抯 issued from that state. In addition, one must not possess or apply for any resident hunting, fishing or trapping privileges in another state or country.

A non-resident can fish in another state as long as the person is accompanied by someone who resides in that state.

There is no age limit for anyone to acquire a fishing license. People both young and old can obtain it. Usually a person who is below 11 years of age can get a fishing license for free. People who are older than that have to pay a certain fee to acquire it.

With the paper work in proper order, one can just grab the proper gear, a boat and start having some fun being close with nature.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

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The Stafford bull terrier, yes, has become a popular pet while still retaining reputations gained through generations of fighting dogs bred for tenacity, courage, agility, and most importantly, its reliability and great affinity with people especially with children.

And today you can say that the bull is not so bully after all! In fact, the bull is totally reliable as children's pets.

Keywords: bull dog pit terrier

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Tips on How to Teach Your Kids to Save Money

A lot of teens nowadays do not understand the value of earning and spending money. They were not oriented that investing is necessary even if they are still students. As parents, you play a crucial role in this area.

You should be able to teach your kids on how to save money. They should be able to understand the concept of money and investment as early as childhood. This will prepare them to learn money management, as they grow old.

Here are some tips on how you can teach your children how to save money:

1. Your children should be educated of the meaning of money. Once your children have learned how to count, that is the perfect time for you teach them the real meaning of money. You should be consistent and explain to them in simple ways and do this frequently so that they may be able to remember what you taught them.

2. Always explain to them the value of saving money. Make them understand its importance and how it will impact their life. It is important that you entertain questions from them about money and you should be able to answer them right away.

3. When giving them their allowances. You need to give them their allowances in denominations. Then you can encourage them that they should keep a certain bill for the future. You can motivate them to do this by telling them that the money can be saved and they can buy new pair of shoes or the toys they want once they are able to save.

4. You can also teach them to work for money. You can start this at your own home. You can pay them fifty cents to one dollar every time they clean their rooms, do the dishes or feed their pets. This concept of earning little money will make them think that money is something they have worked for and should be spent wisely.

5. You can teach them to save money by giving them piggy banks where they can put coins and wait until they get full. You can also open bank accounts for them and let them deposit money from their allowance. You should always show them how much they have earned to keep them motivated.

Money and saving is not something that is learned by children in one sitting. You should be patient in teaching them and relating the value of money in all of their activities. Children will learn this easily if you are patient and consistent in guiding them and encouraging them in this endeavor.
