Sunday, October 14, 2012

chanel watches doesn't get opened

doesn't get opened, looked at, and read...there's no chance it
will bring the action you want. Clever "teaser copy" on outside
of carrier can work wonders.

17. Wise mail merchants work at differentiating between
"suspects," "prospects" and (best of all) "customers." Once they
can distinguish names on lists among those three categories they
are able to achieve cost efficiencies that novices can only
dream about. So keep good records of what happens and when it
happens with mailings to a particular list with a particular
offer. Capitalize on success.

18. Testimonials can be effective promotional tools, especially
if they're heartfelt and cogently express what the average user
might feel about a product or service.. They're even better when
offered by celebrities or persons well-known to the audience.
Treat testimonials like the jewels they are and gather more.

20. There's no such thing as a "normal" percentage of return
that's universally applicable across a wide range of products and
services but, over time and by keeping careful records you can
determine what some norms are for your offer (s). Goal then is to
"beat your best"...if only by 1/2 or 1/4 of a percent!

21. In producing Direct Mail programs these seven words may be
cliche - but only because it's true: "Nothing is as simple as it
seems." Continual care needs to be exercises at every step of the
planning and conceptual stage, though any step in the
conception-production process can become critical if close
attention isn't paid to what's happening. "To error is human."
Yes. I'm aware of the error but that's exact spelling of sign I
spotted in printer's window and I reproduce it to emphasize how
vital it is that extreme care be given to this facet of
production. Proofreading in a professional manner is essential.

22. Direct Mail Copywriter John Yeck long ago cautioned me to be
aware of these two "sinful" acronyms: KISS and CIPU. The first,
"Keep It Simple, Sweetie" describes how to tell your message,
while the second cautions us to avoid lapsing into business or
industrial jargon which "we" understand but most everyone else
doesn't. CIPU stands for "Clear If Previously Understood."

23. While the Power of Mail will long be with us (even though the
nature of the Postal Service might change) wise direct mailers
see themselves practicing in the fields of "direct Marketing" or
"Direct Response." They become knowledgeable of the synergistic
value from use of print media (magazines, space ads, newspaper
inserts, etc) as well as electronic media (radio and/ or TV) to
supplement their mail promotional efforts. The combination can be

24. Continually study and be alert to what's happening in this
dynamic medium. It may seem that not much is new, when in fact,
there are subtle but important shifts in many of the areas
delineated in each of the four elements cited in Principle #1.
(Our seminars, workshops and speeches point these out to
sponsor's audiences.)

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